Chiara is actively searching for casual employment. She has attained her Driver’s License (Ls) and will be looking at various work experience/volunteer options this year. (Last year she volunteered for 6 mths at the Regional library).
Chiara will also be coaching her sister’s U6s soccer team.

Later in the year we will be pursue Open Learning pathways in preparation for University. Chiara is planning a gap year.

1. English
Language Arts
Grammar and Composition
English for Australian Schools – Ronald Ridout
Composition work is also to include regular written narrations from books set for history, religion, geography, literature and science.

To extend your writing skills in preparation for Uni, we shall use the lessons from Abandon Hopefully – Essay Writing and Term Papers.

Department of Ed. NSW; Spelling

Studied Dictation
Paragraphs or passages to be dictated from a section (two or three paragraphs) of a history, literature, geography or religion book that has been studied in advance, or Qld Reader

Creative Writing Writing Club

Logic The Fallacy Detective – Nathaniel Bluedorn

Finding books Chiara has not yet read is a challenge, we will continue to comb Classic Lists and using a combination of the library, our collection and purchases in an effort to extend her.
A selection of titles we shall analysis using study guides. Guides such as; Sparknotes, Cliffnotes and Cliffnotes essay questions also Torino Novels, Glenco Literature and Biblimania.

Each term select one of Shakespeare’s plays you have not yet read. Discuss.

* The Harp and Laurel Wreath by Laura Berquist: Logic Stage
plus an individual Australian poet to be studied each term (your choice)
Also read and discuss some of the English Poets; Milton, Donne etc

2. Mathematics
Daily lessons, completing half of all lessons by end of year.

3. Science
Singapore Science, Biology

4. Human Society and Its Environment
Modern History
Modern Times – Paul Johnson
Story of the World Vol 4
Witness to Hope – George Wiegel
Church History – Fr Laux ; Relevant Chapters
Story of the Church – Dominica and Johnson; Relevant Chapters
How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization

GeographyWorld Physical Geography – Brenda Runkle

Economics Whatever Happened to Penny Candy?

Current Affairs – Secular (ABC) & Church (L’Osservatore Romano)
Read the news daily and keep a scrap book of interest. Jotting responses.
Talk to mum and dad about current events.
Read Church news weekly and keep a scrap book and discuss with family incl siblings.

5. Languages

6. Technological and Applied Studies

Computer Technology
Excel For Dummies
Word for Dummies etc

Building Skills– Main focus, working alongside Dad building you are going to learn so many wonderful skills that will be with you for life!

7. Creative Arts
Picture Study
Term 1: Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Term 2: Vincent Van Gogh
Term 3: Claude Monet
Term 4: A Child’s Book of Prayer in Art by Sister Wendy Beckett

Music Appreciation
Listen and Dance to various artists.
Classic, 60s, 80s etc.

Discovering Great Artists – Mary Ann Kohl and Kim Solga
The Usborne Book of Art – Fiona Watt

Learn folk songs.
Learn traditional Catholic hymns, including at least three in Latin

Practical Work
(1) Improve your cooking skills.
(2) Work on learning a practical craft – simple sewing, knitting; clay modeling;.

8. Personal Development, Health and Physical Education.
Term 1 & 4 – Swim Squad
Term 2 & 3 – Soccer Coaching

Religion – Didache’s Understanding the Scriptures
Spiritual – Story of a Soul, City of God etc