Obviously I am not too great at sticking to my promise and keeping records.
Rather than record from memory I shall just keep to today’s accomplishments.
– Started well ON TIME!!!
– Prayers and hymn.
– Revised/learnt phonic sounds using the chart(see blog)with ALL the children. Mariah keeping up well. Discovered that even the older children do not know their sounds well which would explain much of their spelling.
– Listened to Mariah and Malachi read.
– Copywork done by boys and Mariah. Still using prayers, although Malachi is doing nursery rhymes.
– Dictation for three oldest.
– Spelling lists written out by the three oldest.
– Boys started their Italian lessons, listened on tape and filled in worksheet.
– Chiara started Prima Latina.
– Xavier wrote small amount to his story.
– Malachi and Mariah did maths.
– ‘Mondays with Mary’ Chiara read ‘Came the Dawn’ on Our Blessed Mother published by Encounter. I read “Leading Little Ones to Mary’ with the M’s. Xavier started reading the Fatima colouring in book, which the M’s later started colouring in. Dominic basically did nothing!
– Read ‘The Trojan Horse’ by Shirley Barker to the children. Finally have grabbed their interest in Greece. Read first chapter.
– Started our project cards(see blog) Chiara choose one on the French Revolution the boys and M on the Greeks.
– Malachi made a Greek spear, Xavier printed out the Greek alphabet and spent time learning it, Dominic tried to make a Trojan horse but couldn’t manage it. Chiara is designing and making a cart with fleeing nobles.
– Girls (Mariah and Genevieve) set and painted plaster of Paris molds.
– Girls then painted pictures with left over paint.
– Chiara read DK Readers
– History- Chiara read ‘Thunder of Valmy’ by Geoffrey Trease for French Rev.
– Swimming lessons and squad training.
List of some Books Chiara has read in the last few weeks.
The Scarlet Pimpernel- Baroness Orzcay
Emma- Jane Austen
The Black Tulip- Alexandre Dumas
The Bargain Bride- Evelyn Sibley Lampan
Pope Pius XII – Louis De Wohl
Sparrow Alone- Padraic Colum
Fellowship of the Rings- JR Tolkien
Two Towers – JR Tolkien