Singapore Maths for all children. Need to drill daily on tables. Most urgent for Dominic.
Language Arts
Continue daily reading practice with Malachi using the DK readers and other beginner readers. He is close to taking off just needs practice.
Mariah needs daily revision of phonic sounds and daily reading, she is still at the de-coding stage.
Literature and Poetry
Weekly assign the three olders a book from their ‘shelf’. Daily read aloud to all the children using a variety of select chapter and picture books. Read a poem a day
before teh read aloud. Use that as a peg.
Continue using Schonell’s speller. Weekly list and test. Try for thrice weekly to revise the phonic sounds.
Daily write dictation passages using literature selections. For three olders. Xavier to use studied dictation at this stage.
Use Emma Serl’s grammar books twice weekly.
Chiara is interested in Spanish. She will use the Rosetta Stone cd’s. The boys are interested in Italian and Latin but alas my Cd’s haven’t arrived yet.
All dc to continue with copywork using a selection of poetry, literature, prayers, catechism or Bible passages.
Chiara to use LM for direction in ‘how to’ write.
Boys are to use a variety of ‘Brave Writer’ ideas and the Story Starter’s.
Encourage the M’s to write little ‘books’.
Notebooking is to include writing paragraphs and essays this term.
Chiara is to have some set essays to write.
Dc to participate in writing competitions.
Daily writing is a must!!
Faith Formation
Daily read the Saint of the Day at prayer time.
Dominic is preparing for his Confirmation use Spreading and Defending the Faith daily.
Read St Patrick’s Summer for olders and Bible stories for youngers. Thrice Weekly
Use the Faith and Life series with dc. Twice weekly. Friday with the Gospels.
Catholic Mosaic and living the liturgical year.
Chiara to use Science Focus textbook as a spine, answering questions and completing experiements. I would like to see her flesh each chapter out with extra readings related to topic.
Boys and M to use Life Science with Real Books predominately this term. We will complete two units, Reptiles and Mammals of the Water. If time allows we may do a ebook from Hands of a Child.
The first four weeks this term will be devoted to Science.
Nature Studies
Go for twice weekly nature walks and take our journals.
Chiara will study Switzerland using The Ultimate Geography and Timeline Guide and a template on how to study the country. I will desgin this for her. The boys will study a country later in the term, yet to be decided which one.
Chiara will study the history of Spain this term. Focusing mainly on Medieval Spain. She will read some chapters from history overviews and Churcdh history books. Then she will flesh the chapters out with a couple of lovely books by Elizabeth de Trevino and one by Hans Baumann. Also the Royal Diaries- Isabel. I will assign her some questions to answer and an essay. I would love to see some notebook pages.
The boys and M will have a break from history this term.
Creative Arts
We will use the 120 History Project Book for ideas and Mary Ann Kohl’s books. Craft and art to happen weekly.
I would like to see Chiara take up some form of handicrafts again.
Mariah is in some ways left behind this year from the boys. I need to ensure that I spend 1hour a day tailoring actvities to her. Not too sure what I’ll do yet.