I am very excited this term to place a big focus on literature. See side boxes for book lists; children’s read alouds/alones. I may be too ambitious:)
I am also hoping that I may attempt a Beatrix Potter Unit but this may happen next term instead.

Choose a ‘younger’ poet and an ‘older’ one and find one day a week to share the poets with the children.

Continuing with SM. Dc to start new books this term. Planning for Chiara to finish the grade 7 book by the end of the year.

Liturgical Year
Celebrating Feast Days and anniversaries.
Using Catholic Mosaic titles.
See side bar for dates.

Confirmation Prep- Dominic has two booklets to complete. Set him a prayer routinue and saints reading list. Time is runnning out.

M and G- Treasure Box books

MJ, X, D and C- St Patrick’s Summer

C- ?

Hands of a Child- Extreme Weather; Weeks 9 and 10.

C- Reading through her text book with extension reading using the Science World Books.

Spontaneous history through living books. There may be some cross over with our geography focus.

Nature Study
I am very excited about our focus this term. We will be using Nuri Mass’ book The Wonderland of Nature in conjunction with the nature journal This will be a very easy unit to do but with excellent results. I will also be using some lovely nature notebook sheets I downloaded from homeschool share.

M and M to continue daily reading. To also occasionally ask the older children to read aloud. I am particularly concerned with Chiara’s wiord pronuncation.

C- Lingua Mater
Boys- Emma Serl’s Books.

Continue with Schonell’s spelling.

Continue with daily dictation from a variety of writing.

Begin the term with handwriting ‘boot camp’ to correct any misformation of letters. All primary children to participate. Afterwards continue with daily work using Catechism answers.

Creative Writing
Using the Brave Writer Lifestyle we will be making a serious attempt this term to become writers. Every day in a variety of ways the children will be encouraged to write. I have been thinking of a few ‘sneaky’ ways to enthuse and engage the children in writing.

Each child has been made a present of their own ‘dictionary’ to record words to help them in their writing.
I am planning to start a ’round robin’ story with the older children.

Introduce Waldorf Art approaches to the children. I am very excited with this:) Once a week we will do a formal ‘lesson’. I will also attempt to encourage the children to illustrate their writing in an attempt to encourage writing.
Once a week introduce an art print (the dc will not be enthused:( ) and at the end of the study do an art activity from Discovering Great Artists.

Once a week do an activity from art attack. We will also be using Global Art in conjunction with our Geography focus.

We will start out mapping our own property, then we will look at the Clarence Valley. We will focus quickly on Australia then move on to attempt one or two Asian countries. I have choosen Asia as they are our neighbours, hopefully we will get to look at New Zealand too.