I have been very remiss in recording when I really mean to be better.
I meant to write up after our first unit of RC History which we finished last week. The first unit was hard work and yet not… For the first time the dc got excited about their work in a long time. I wrote about their excitement on my public blog. Not only did we do the archeology dig but we read Kate Duke’s Archeology book. We also read from Creation to Noah and narrated their stories and started reading non-fiction books. The dc complained regards having to narrate, I wrote out what I required on sheets, the very first time I have done that, in a bid to encourage learning independence. Some issues to iron out, they complained that they couldn’t read my writing. This week I have typed out their expectations. I also feel that they have problems in following written instructions so this is a positive move. It is hard work on myself as I have so many needing me. I also see a huge need in the older three learning to touch type. We have three computers and yet other than Chiara they are all needing me to type.:(
This week we have started Unit 2, Abraham to Joseph. More hands on activities are involved in this one but unfortunately we have yet to get to them as we are so busy catching up on the written component, we are now dealing with a huge issue of lack of self- discipline. Chiara is unfortunately the worst, trying tears to get out of it, going to sleep etc. Dominic is amazing me he is finding a reservoir of self-discipline from somewhere:) Xavier is pretty good the problem there is he is waiting for me to type for him. Malachi is all right but needs typing help, Mariah is struggling with narrating, I think she isn’t listening when the story is being read. This is a new skill for her and I’m a little surprised at her difficulty.
The dc say that Mesopotamia itself isn’t interesting, I think this is because it has been a long time since they have read non-fiction information. I am going to stick to my guns and make them complete as set out. I’m hoping once we start the hands on component they will find it interesting. Dealing with lots of skill building all at once.
We are still doing our block lessons so the dc are managing to complete 6-8 pages a week, I am wanting them all to finish their books by the end of the week and Chiara to complete the year7 book. If not they may yet be taking them on the car trip to Sydney. At present whilst we are learning better study habits with RC History I’m not worried about any other Language Arts skills for the dc. Chiara is continuing her LA program though of the English book (English for Australian Schools by Ridout) and dictation and copywork.
We will continue this program for next week, I am working the dc hard so that we can complete unit 2 as I then want to start an Advent unit, still working on their maths books.