Maths Continue with SM for all dc and add for C as an aid.
Read maths books to G and many hands-on manipulatives to build up her knowledge base.
Language Arts
Spelling Schonell’s book.
Copywork Running writing for boys, printing for M using poetry.
Grammar Continue using Rondald Ridout for C and D. Language Arts for Literature for X and MJ. MT to use Ridout book.
Reading Ms to continue with daily reading practice.
Typing Daily practice for three oldest.
Latin We will be learning the responses for the Mass this term.
Literature and Poetry
Poetry-RL Stevenson
John O’Brien
AB Patterson
List of books- Folk of the Faraway Tree
The Treasure Seekers
Goodnight Mr Tom
Red Badge of Courage
John Hudson Tiner Books for the older two. Also experiments and extra related literature reading.
Nuri Mass for X.
Australian Mammals for the Ms using Leslie Rees’ books and research. 2nd Half we may continue using other L. Rees books.
Economics ?
History Early Church History, 33AD-313AD and Patristic Church, 313AD-476AD(fall of Roman Empire) first half of term. Will do Growth of the Church 476AD-1054AD (East-West Schism) 2nd half of Term.
Geography Tie in Geography with our History study.
Follow the liturgical year using resources.
CGS for younger children
? for olders
Needing some program for all?
Sacramental Preparation Jesus and I, St Joseph Communion Catechism, CHC 2nd Grade, Sts books, FHC notebook?
Creative Arts
Piano Daily practice, weekly lessons for C and X.
Music Appreciation Listen to Classical Composers from our collection also read bigraphies.
Detailed plan to follow. Some shall be theme related.
Art AppreciationStudy
Usborne Art Treasury.
Nature Study Weekly Nature Walk. Nature Notebook and Nuri Mass.
Shakespeare Read and act Julius Caesar.
Industrial Arts Work on playground with Dad.