Sitting down to write notes for the week I feel myself falling back into my negative habits of last year; half empty glass not half full.

Therefore positive thinking: We ave been starting lessons at 8am each day and we are getting far more completed. Most work is done before morning tea, which seems to be when I loose them. I’m thinking on ideas on how to get settle back after MT, perhaps a read aloud?

The older two boys have showed an incredible stickibility this week. David meant business when he told them they had to catch up on work they were behind on. All Saturday they worked on Maths, they completed 2 weeks worth in one day! Dominic has come so far in his understanding, ability and confidence. He is quite happy to have a go and mostly gets the problems correct:)

Xavier is really enjoying the Geography book and has branched off onto some rabbit trails. He did further research on Pluto and dwarf planets. I was so pleased to see his enthusiasm. Xavier isn’t keen on his science book but David feels it important to stick with it. So Xavier has put his head down and stuck with it:)

Malachi continues to be the most diligent with his work every day, he is quick, bright and keen. He particularly is enjoying history. Dominic also thinks SOTW is enjoyable to read, he just isn’t as keen to do the bookwork.

Mariah passions is her Chemistry lessons. I purchased ‘Cool Chemistry Connoctions’ and she loves it:) She enjoys doing the experiments we are taking lots of photos to record and printing of her book. She also continues to really like copywork. Mariah starts the week well but loses monument.

Chiara is particularly loving Live Mocha Spanish. She continues to be most diligent but isn’t achieving as much as I expected. I’ve put alot of energy into marking her work which is helping to keep a better ‘finger on the pulse’.

Genevieve has mostly been happily playing with Saxon this week. Each day they like to have a few books read to them, Saxon is very keen on PB Bear. She already knows 80% of her single sounds. Ignatius is just plain cute.