The older two boys once again put a strong effort in to be more vigilant and continued to try to complete the lessons they were set for the term. They still have a ways to go but making great inroads. Chiara also worked harder.

I have made the decision to discontinue the recorded HS Connection classes as Chiara isn’t that keen and Dominic never started. I didn’t wish to waste any further money.

The older children are really happy with their new geography program. Xavier has enjoyed going off on little rabbit trails. M & M are settling into their geography more now, Malachi was reluctant at first to fill in his ‘postcards’ I was firm though and he is getting into a routine.

I am wondering if the work set for Malachi is too easy as he flys through it. I feel it is enough ordinarily but perhaps he is rather bright.

Mariah is having a much better attitude, although she doesn’t like hsitory still. Whereas as Malachi is passionate about the history program. I am really looking forward to setting out all the books over the holidays and finding history picture book titles for Mariah, I feel that is all she needs, a visual presentation.

Week 8 saw us spend all week milling, the children were tag teaming. David and I were very impressed with their attitude and effort with the milling. Week 9 we headed north to Wet and Wild on the Wednesday. It has been a choppy term some weeks but we still have put a reasonable effort in. These last couple of weeks we have been firmer with our highschoolers and are seeing better results.