We desire books that feed the mind and nourish the soul

Planning to devote time daily to memorisation skills. As a group, should take about 20 min.
Catechism, times tables, phonic sounds, poetry and geography songs.

Wanting Genevieve to deepen her knowledge of her Faith and strengthen her spirituality this year. Planning on the girls using notebooking and lots of reading to this end. Encourage regular narrations.
Daily read aloud at least one chapter of saints chapter book.
Willas’ Notebooking pages!! awesome
The Life of Our Lord for Children by Marigold Hunt. (lent)
 New Catholic Picture Bible by Rev. Laurence G.Lovasik.
The Child’s Book of Saints by Hugh Ross Williamson and many others
Extras include Catholic Picture Books
The Mass Book for Children and  Little Acts of Grace – Rosemary Gortler and Donna Piscitelli

Goal is to for Genevieve to be independently reading by the end of Term 1.
Continue daily reading practice.

Daily write in some manner
Write a story and illustrate
Oral narration, dictate to mum
Write own narration and illustrate, occasionally
Writing Club
All Things Fun and Fascinating (IEW)

All About Spelling x 3/wk

Begin Genevieve on
Spelling Wisdom x 2/wk

Daily read at least one chapter of book aimed to Genevieve’s interest.  
Suggestions include: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe – CS Lewis
Philomena – Kate Sereedy, Little House in the Big Woods – Laura Ingalls Wilder

Daily read and enjoy. Memorise at least one poem per term.
Classic Children’s Poetry etc

Singapore Maths.
MEP where extra work for understanding is needed
Living Math books
Living Math activities

Science and Nature
Our learning will be interest led, reading at least twice weekly from our collection and narrate, undertake experiments at least once a week.
Genevieve particularly enjoys science experiments
Living Books from Branch Library and our library.
Science and Nature TV Series and DVDs
Various experiment books and you-tubes.
Cool Chemistry Concoctions – Joe Phatigan

Reading – Read at least once per week and journal.
Nature walk – x1/wk 
Wonderland of Nature – Nuri Mass
WON Journal
Science and Nature TV Series and DVDs

Twice Weekly
Notebook, narrate, lapbook adapt.
Term 1 – Australia, beginnings through to explorers
History of Australia
Our Sunburnt Country
Eve Pownall’s books
Pictorial History – Catholic & Secular

Terms 2, 3 & 4, to be determined. Like to leave wiggle room:)
Historical living books, branch library and our collection
Historical core books, branch library and ours
Story of the World
Child’s History of the World – VM Hillyer
H E Marshall

Plan to be more conscientious about teaching culture and mapwork this year.
Read once weekly, 
Narrate, notebook
mapwork once weekly 
Study maps, cover, label and later redraw and label.
A Child’s Geography – Ann Voskamp
Homeschool Share
Geography Picture Books; Branch Library and our collection

Art and Craft
Once weekly
Dick Blick Lesson Plans
Deep Space Sparkle
Art Projects for Kids
Harmony Art Mom

Physical Education
Term 2 & 3 – Soccer