assessment 4English

Saxon has been exposed to quality literature since early childhood. He has good comprehension and vocabulary skills. His current focus is strengthening his narrating skills and spelling, writing and reading skills. He is strong in grammar understanding and his writing structure has shows great promise.

Our desire is that by the conclusion of Stage 2 Saxon will be able to:

  • narrate fluently what he has heard
  • improve listening skills
  • communicate in informal and formal contexts
  • reads fluently
  • spells familiar and unfamiliar words
  • identifies different language use has different purposes
  • uses basic grammatical features, and punctuation conventions and has an increasing vocabulary
  • thinks imaginatively and creatively when writing


Saxon has a high mathematical skill set for his age.  He is extremely quick in his computation skills, able to add and subtract long number sentences in his head, and quite competent and confident to tackle difficult number problems.  He has long been able to tell the time accurately, knows common fractions, can read time and is familiar with length, weight and estimate area and knows his times tables. He is currently working above Grade level with ease.
By the conclusion of Stage 2 we envisage Saxon would have only added to his strengths and mastered new skills
  • applies appropriate strategies for multiplication and division
  • uses appropriate unit to measure; lengths, distances,
  • can do addition and subtraction of numbers of any size
  • calculates with fractions & decimals
  • can calcuate perimeters and temperatures
  • estimates and measures areas using correct units
  • estimates and measures volumes and capacities
  • estimates and measures mass
  • recognises 2D and 3D shapes
Saxon is aware of his immediate world and the wider world around him.  He has a great interest in scientific concepts and happily absorbs scientific knowledge informally and through a variety of media.  He displays curiosity, will ponder and then investigate.
Our desire is by the conclusion of Stage 2 Saxon will:
  • continue to develop a questing mind regards ‘all things science’
  • have a further understanding of the importance of sustainable futures
  • understands the importance and future use of technology
  • understand how electricity works and its importance
  • describe life cycles
  •  describe the effect of push and pull
  • understand about the change of matter of liquid and gases
Saxon’s history focus last year included British history.  This year will include a focus on Australian history.
By the conclusion of Stage 2 Saxon will be able to:
  • describe the effects of British colonisation in Australia
  • understand the impact the discovery of gold had on Australia
  • comprehend the importance of the early exploreres
  • have an inquiring mind into ‘all things history’ and apply skills of inquiry


Saxon has a passing interest in cultures and mapping.

By the conclusion of Stage 2 Saxon will be able to:

  • have an awareness of and appreciation for different cultures and customs
  • have a familiarity and confidence with maps
  • to be able to recognise and map the different continents and many countries.