Rather horrified to realise my record keeping this year has been nearly non-existent thus far!! Huge resolutions to change the situation post haste. Learning has been happening, just recording hasn’t, so the following is more remembered highlights of the Term, but by no means all we have learnt.
Reading Aloud
Mariah & Genevieve – Pollyanna – lots of chapters, not finished yet.
Saxon, Ignatius & Sebastian – The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place – despite everyone raving about this book, and our children being the ‘right age’ for it, they really aren’t enjoying it. We’ve persevered to half way but I think it time to call quits.
Boys & Genevieve – experimented with a few approaches.
- Tried Catechism Workbook, too hard, feels as if there should be a teacher’s manual first.
- Using Faith & Life now, a bit boring but working through in case we’ve missed any ‘groundwork’ but really not happy with this approach either. In the past we’ve done lots of Bible and saints stories, maybe we might go back to just that, it is more ‘soul appealing’.
- Read half of Saints Specially for Boys – Joan Windham
Mariah – Didache, one chapter
– Read St Ignatius Loyola, Vision Bk
Mariah & Genevieve – Began reading aloud Philadelphia Catholic in King James Court. Not really a hit, particularly Gen is not enjoying, so going to abandon it.
Reading Lessons
Ignatius & Sebastian – Working well through their All About Reading lessons. Ignatius has only 14 lessons to go in Level 2, considering taht when he finishes he may not need to do Level 3, instead he will have daily reading practice, still undecided.
Spelling Lessons
Boys & Genevieve – Managed a few All About Spelling lessons with each child. Saxon doing well, Genevieve really needs a concentrated effort. Younger boys picking up concepts easily. Need to really focus more consistent time in this area, to ‘pick up game’.
Boys – A little maths, more for some than others. We really need to ‘pick up our game’ here.
Genevieve – Some weeks worked very hard and completed several lessons
Boys & Genevieve – Read Young Scientist- Electricity, quarter of book. Undertook a few experiments, discussed what electrical ‘goods’ we could do without. Children declared hot water was not necessary. Conducted a day of no electricity except for a few essentials such as fridge.
Genevieve – Read aloud half of the The Young Marie Curie – Clare H Abrahall
Mariah – Gary Parker – Exploring The World, 3 chapters, then abandoned, didn’t like.
John Hudson Tiner – History of Mathematics – 4 chapters, enjoying.
Boys & Genevieve – Read World Explorer books; Christopher Columbus – Kaufmann & Marco Polo – Graves.
Each chapter was orally narrated as we went, some of the children were able to do this with ease, including Genevieve. Some particularly struggled, more work needed here, Saxon really struggled.
Mariah – 4 chapters Story of the World v2. Read and fill in timeline.
– 1 Chapter Brenda Runkle. Answer questions
– Mapdrill, Can name all the countries of world within their continents!
Can name all capital cities of Europe!
Can name all major rivers and regions of world!
Mariah – Duolingo 10 Lessons
Boys & Genevieve – Artventure – only a couple of lessons
Boys -Art Workshops – A could of full, huge days with homeschool groups, focus on: printing, charcoal, soft & hard crayon work and mandalas. Have been totally amazed at their dedication, talent and focus. Did notice whenever Saxon finds it a bit too hard he goes outside for a ‘break’ but can easily be talked into going back in and trying again.
Girls & Saxon – Lessons weekly with Wesley, Drums & Piano
Music practice several times a week
Literature Reading
Genevieve and Boys – Week 5 participated in a week long Reading Challenge.
This was particularly pivotable for Ignatius, saw him go from not attempting to read, though he could, to reading his way through ALL of the Ladybird Readers, and then begin his way through ALL of the Dr Seuss books 🙂
Sebastian had a great go at reading too, all that really held him back was me, I wasn’t always available to listen. By week’s end he read a Ladybird Level 3!!
Saxon was reluctant to try much, but finally on the last day he began participating with more enthusiasm, if I can just keep him at it!
Genevieve was rather enthusiastic and diligent 🙂 in fact she read the most, branching out into some old favourites, the Caroline and Rose Years.