Despite my burst of recording last Term and resolve to improve this Term, I’ve once again fallen short of my goals. So recording only a few highlights from jotted down notes for the past
*Week 3 we went on our annual family holiday at the beach. We saw whales, dolphins, sharks, jellyfish and fish when snorkeling.
Read Aloud
Saxon, Ignatius & Sebastian – Mrs Frisby and the Rats of Nihm
Enjoyed several of John O’Brien’s poems
Boys & Genevieve – Read a little of St Patrick’s Summer
Mariah & Genevieve – Our Goals & Guides, one lesson.
Mariah & Genevieve – Managed a few lessons, as always a particular love of Genevieve’s.
Reading Lessons
Sebastian – Working through All About Reading lessons. Slow progress with the lessons but keen to actually be reading. Often initiates reading, using early Australian readers and is doing well.
Ignatius & Saxon– Finished AAR 2 last term, so is now independently reading, still trying to instill the habit of daily reading practice, challenge is to find books he likes to read, thankfully not as ‘picky’ as Saxon is. Saxon is still a challenge to find books that he is willing to read. He happily reads gardening, fishing and cookbooks.
Spelling Lessons
Saxon & Genevieve – Have been working on completeing All About Spelling Level 2. Finally finished and beginning revising words learnt in level 2. Certainly seeing an improvement in G’s spelling, Saxon is a good speller.
Ignatius & Sebastian – Have been using a combination of All About Spelling Levels 1 & 2 and an Onset & Rime program. Sebastian is a natural speller, in fact finds words easier to spell than read. Ignatius needs to put more time into this skill.
Sebastian – Spent hours writing words he knew how to spell, cut up into small scraps of paper.
Siena – Knows how to write mine and Sebastian’s computer passwords!
Ignatius – Managed a dictation lesson, in a word, painful! Obviously we need to put more energy into dictation.
Mariah – Doing well 🙂
Genevieve & Boys – Practiced handwriting for a couple of weeks, whilst most write neatly enough, some are still not holding pencils correctly, nor forming letters in the correct direction.
Saxon – Writing diary record of our holidays
Boys – Writing with Deanne with Homeschool Group
Girls – Debating with Jeannie Miller with Homeschool Group
Boys – Saxon and Sebastian working steadily away, Ignatius most reluctant to do maths, a little hand holding needed. Sebastian nearly ‘obsessed’ with Sudoko.
Genevieve – Finally completed Grade 6 maths!! Huge cause for celebration.
Mariah – Putting in huge efforts!! Very impressive
Sebastian – Researched and dictated a report on fish
Ignatius – Researched and wrote report on octupus
Mariah & Genevieve – Researched and wrote report on dolphins
Mariah – God’s Design for Life – enjoying them, short chapters
Genevieve & Boys – Watched Magic School Bus DVDs
All – Watched fun Whale DVDs
Mariah – Story of the World Vol 3 , 10 chapters. Enjoying, keeping timeline 🙂
Mariah – World Physical Geo, 2 chapters, heavy but thorough.
– flags of Europe
Mariah – Duolingo 10 lessons.
Sewing/Computer Building
Homeschool group, sewing with the girls, computer pulling apart for the boys.
Great kick start to get girls and I sewing, boys enjoyed their session though Saxon found it easy.
Girls & Saxon – Lessons weekly with Wesley, Drums & Piano
Music practice occasionally happening
Literature Reading
Ignatius – Data Collection – Ada Hopper x 2
Saxon – Data Collection – Ada Hopper x 4
Greetings from Somewhere – Harper Paris x 1
Genevieve – Huge Binge read of Ranger’s Apprentice series!!
Mariah – Harry Potter x 2
Noble Servant – Melanie Dickerson