We are well and truly half way into the term now, some steady progress has been made, we’ve also focused on tackling our weak areas, some wins and some areas we are still struggling with.

Most exciting find was sourcing Robotics Kits that we are able to access as often as we like, we’ve made the commitment to go in weekly.

Once again despite my intentions my record keeping has slipped again, so the following likely doesn’t include all our learning.  Too we’ve had a vomiting bug run through the house causing the loss of about a week and a half all told.



Mariah – One lesson of Didache ?

Faith Novel: St Catherine of Siena- Louis de Wohl. Read 6 chapters

Sebastian – Memory Work, began memorising the Gifts of the Holy Spirit


Language Arts

All About Reading

Sebastian – Continuing with his Level 2 book, starting to gain great momentum, completed 6 lessons. Reading other books besides his AAR lessons 🙂

All About Spelling

Sebastian – Completed 3 lessons, picking up quickly

Ignatius – Completed 1 lesson. Slowly building his confidence, slow going.

Creative Sentences

Sebastian – Sebastian continuing to use the phrases from his Spelling lesson to create sentences. Noticing as he reads his sentences back where he leaves out pronouns and can discuss sentence structure. Wrote 4 sentences.


Sebastian – Completed 4 lessons, happy with his progress. Letter formation and direction progressing nicely, still needs to work on pencil grip.

Ignatius – Completed 2 sessions, still a noticeable improvement.

Genevieve – One lesson


Ignatius – Sentences from his All About Spelling, still working well. Wrote 2 sentences.

Saxon – Continuing with Spelling Wisdom, doing well, completed 1 exercise



Sebastian – 2 maths lessons.

Ignatius – 1 maths lessons.

Saxon – Completed 1 maths lessons

Genevieve – 4 lessons

Mariah – 6 lessons



Saxon & Ignatius – We have discovered an amazing resource at the local Drop in Centre, Robotics kits!!! $1000 kits that we can access!!! Our plan is to drop in weekly with a couple of mates, an informal robotics club if you like. We spent a happy hour there this week and the plan is to return weekly.

Genevieve – one experiment and recorded

Nature Studies

Boys & Siena – Wonderland of Nature: Read another 6 chapters. The children are still enjoying, though rather horrified regarding the life quality and expectancy of some of these insects based on their gender. Was very gratified after reading about galls, to have the children rush in with a leaf to show me the galls on it.

Genevieve – 6 chapters, finished Tiger Cat – CK Thompson

– oral narration


Mariah – Read 5 chapters of Little History of World- Gombrich.

Jotted down timeline of important dates


Boys & Siena – Pagoo – Hollings, 6 chapters.

Boys seem rather engrossed, I confess I’m not finding it an easy read to visualise, so much unfamiliar to me, but the boys are following well.

Mariah – Read 4 Chapters, answered questions – Runkle

Geography – Mapdrill

Mariah – 4 sessions, Africa


Languages – Spanish

Saxon – Still loving Spanish, completed 3 lessons.

Genevieve – 5 lessons

Mariah – 6 lessons!! Still loving, taken to calling Dad, Papa!



Literature Reading

Genevieve – Binge Reading Trixie Belden, wonderful to see her find old friends of mine 🙂

Mariah – If Only They Could Talk by James Herriot. 3 chapters, enjoying.

Treasure Casket

All – 3 sessions


Mariah –Lady of Shallot, Parts 1 & 2, memorised and dramatically recited it:-)

Read another of T’s poems.

Early Childhood

Mariah – 5 chapters; Maria Montessori


Enrichment Learning

Folksong – Advance Australia Fair

Sebastian – Sang a little, knows the works but his melody needs work ?

Art Appreciation – Postman Augustus by Van Gogh

Children familiar from week before when we read Postcards..


Genevieve & Boys – Spent a few hours making origami and paper places

Nature Walk & Journal

Music Appreciation – Beethoven

Mariah & Saxon –  Mariah listened to Fur Elise and Midnight Sonata, Saxon listened to a couple of Beethoven’s Sonatas.

Music Practice

Saxon – 2 Practices

Mariah – 7 practices, diligently


Mariah– patchwork quilting ?