First week back for Term 3. The younger two were most diligent to do all the work assigned each day. The others a little slower to swing back into work. However a good start to the term.
Group Work:
Faith History – Christianity in Early Rome
World History – The aftermath of WW1, the Treaty of Versailles, the formation of the League of Nations and the carving up of Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire. And the financial penalties imposed on Germany.
Read Aloud – The Hobbit by JR Tolkien. Siena and Sebastian listening to Dad read every night, Saxon and Ignatius have only listened a couple of nights.
Maths – 17 lessons!! Huge focus. Graphs, pie charts, shapes
Geography – online mapping, refreshed her memory
Dictation – 1 lesson
worked 2 days this week.
Assigned Literature Read – LOTR Book 1 and half of Book 2!!!!!! The majority of his time this week.
Maths – 4 lessons. Rates and Ratio. Converting time and distances.
Geography – Online mapping program. Focused on South and North America and Australia.
Faith – Read a chapter of Pope Pius XII. Talked about the process of how Pope’s are selected.
Maths – 2 chapters. Order of operations, had a breakthrough in understanding.
Assigned Literature Read – LOTR Book 1 and began Book 2!!! The majority of his focus this week.
Spelling – Worked hard daily on learning 10 new words and revising 10 old. Making fantastic progress which he can see himself.
Writing – Voyages in English daily! Working on punctuation and abbreviations. Is also helping with his spelling. Making steady progress.
Geography – Worked on matching the countries of South America with his sheet and the atlas.
Faith – Read daily from the Stories of Religious Truths. Enjoying it.
Maths – Mental Maths, working daily. He is liking it, and it’s really great revision for him.
Nature – 3 chapters Junior Naturalist, talks for Aust children. Read about clams and Guinea pigs.
Science – Experiment, ice cubes and hot water.
History – Focus on the 1920 & 1930s. Read Our Australian Girl Daisy, book 2. Sebastian read until midnight! Said it was a sad book but eager to read more.
Spelling – AAS Level 2, a couple of lessons, Siena is a great speller, picking it up easily.
Writing – Rod and Staff 2. 3 lessons. Most diligent. I’m really happy with this book.
Faith – St Imelda, read a couple of chapters, Siena begging for more.
Maths – Daily, using a workbook, working on additions, Siena is enjoying an easier level, making it fun for her.
Geography – Worked on assigning room names to a house map and countries using an atlas.
Science – Experiment
Baking – Made ginger cookies on her own, there was a reading mishap. Extremely sugary.
Reading – Aim was to read for 20 min a day, using the timer. Working well. And then at the end of the week she has been reading paragraphs of the Hobbit!! Wasn’t expecting that!