The last few weeks we have seen some solid learning taking place. I’d like to see a some of the children working harder in some areas, but overall rather happy.


Group Work:

Institute in Excellence in Writing – Worked on extracting main points from a non-fiction passage and then re-telling. The children all picked up the concept quickly were were able to do it easily and correctly. The boys orally retold the passage and Genevieve re-wrote it. Genevieve was so keen she went ahead and did extra lessons.

Faith History – 3 chapters, Early Church Fathers & Martyrs. still in first 300 years.

World History – 6 chapters. Communism, Revolutions of Russia and China. Japanese war on China. Depression in America, stock markets and Presidential changes.

Greek Mythology – 3 chapters Odysseus. We have finally abandoned as not enough interest. Although Ignatius was interested.

Poetry- 1 session, our preferred option to Greek Mythology. Read a mixture of Australian and English covering all our ages.

Read Aloud – The Hobbit by JR Tolkien. Siena and Sebastian listening to Dad read, read 8 chapters. Saxon and Ignatius have only listened to one night.



Genevieve is having to maintain her work whilst holding down a casual job. Having as many as 3-5 shifts a week.

Spelling – Daily focused on 10 words, with a revision test each Friday. Genevieve is doing really well with her spelling and once finished this revision focus likely won’t need further revision.

Dictation – 9 lessons. Genevieve works really hard on Dictation, and it’s paying off in her work across other subjects.

Institute in Excellence in Writing – Extracting main points from a non-fiction passage and then re-telling. Genevieve was so keen she went ahead and did extra lessons.

Narrations – 2 Narration sessions!! Wrote in diary and a World History narration.

Maths – 15 lessons!! Huge focus. Percentages and Graphs

Geography – Brenda Runkle, 3 lessons. Maps.

Geography – 6 sessions of online mapping. refreshed memory on countries and flags. Learning capital cities of the countries of Asia.

Science Biochemistry – Started with intro lesson

History Text SOTW 3  – Early Modern Times 4 chapters. Read about London burning and the rat plague.



Spelling – Daily focused on 10 words, with a revision test each Friday. Saxon has amazed me with how his spelling has improved and the difficult word he is spelling with ease!

Dictation – Completed 4 exercises. Whilst Saxon wasn’t keen on dictation initially, once he settle down he hasn’t really found this difficult and has quickly shown signs of finding this a subject he can do with ease.

Wordly Wise – 3 exercises. Vocabulary and word meanings. Saxon found this a nice stretch and interesting.

Maths – 15 lessons. Probability, Shapes, Graphs, Ratio and Rates

Science Biochemistry – Started with intro lesson

Geography – 3 sessions. Online mapping program. Focused on all world countries, and knows all of them!!! Getting 999% correct each time!!!!

History Novel – My Australian Story: Phar Lap, read the whole book!! Was interested in what actually happened.

Assigned Literature Read – LOTR Book 2 and half of Book 3!!!



Spelling – Daily focused on 10 words, with a revision test each Friday. He is making great progress.

Dictation – Worked on 2 exercises each week. This has been a huge stretch for him. Lots of difficulties at first but slowly he is finding it easier. And he is certainly improving.

Building Christian English – 1 exercise. Ignatius wasn’t thrilled with this topic. I’d like him to work more in this area.

Faith Novel – St Pius XII 1 Chapter

Faith & Life – 3 chapters, Abraham & Moses

Maths – 9 lessons. He is dragging to finish the year. Might be time to jump ahead and revise where necessary.

Science Biochemistry – Started with intro lesson

Geography – 2 sessions. Mapping, Asia, Oceania and South America, naming the countries, can name quite quickly.

Assigned Literature Read – LOTR Book 2, nearly finished!!!

Free Reads – Chose your own Adventures, read heaps.



Spelling – Daily focused on 10 words, with a revision test each Friday. Making fantastic progress.

Dictation – Worked on 2 exercises each week. This has been a slight stretch for him, but he is doing really well now he is in the flow.

Voyages in English – 9 exercises. Sebastian is enjoying this, whipping quickly through focusing either on capitalisations or choosing the correct word tense.

Narrations – 15 Narration sessions!! Wrote own story, IEW lesson, St Giles and St Patrick.

Faith – Read daily from the Stories of Religious Truths, finished.

Faith & Life – 3 chapters, Noah, Tower of Babel, Esau and Jacob

Maths – Mental Maths, working daily. He is liking it, and it’s really great revision for him.

Geography – 3 sessions. Mapping, Africa naming the countries, knows 95%

Nature – 6 chapters Junior Naturalist, talks for Aust children. Read about baby insects; butterflies, moths and capterpillars.

Science – 6 chapters, focus on water, swamps and the depths of the ocean.

History –  Focus on the 1920 & 1930s. Read Our Australian Girl Daisy, Books 1 & 3 reading into the midnight hours again. He loved these books.



Reading – Milly Molly Mandy and Biscuit. Isn’t always keen to read daily, but when she does read, reads effortlessly.

Spelling – AAS Level 2, 4 lessons, Siena is a great speller, picks it up effortlessly.

Writing – Rod and Staff 2. 3 lessons. Finds it fun once she settles to it.

Faith & Life – 3 chapters, Noah, Tower of Babel, Esau and Jacob. Reading with Sebastian. We found the Book 2 too easy for her, she fits in well with Book 4.

Maths – 20 lessons, using a workbook. Additions and Subtractions. Siena is enjoying an easier level, making it fun for her.