Record Keeping and Assessment:


Record keeping and assessment are kept by both informal and formal methods. By observing and discussing work, I assess my children’s ability to understand the work, identify areas which may need greater attention, and adjust work accordingly, in order to best meet their educational needs.


Record Keeping is undertaken in various ways. 

  • The children are each given an ‘Expectation’ Sheet every five weeks. 
  • This gives clear direction as to what work needs to be undertaken each week.  This sheet is created in consultation with them and with reference to their educational program. 
  • The children mark their progress and I’ll also jot notes on their sheet to assist with memory for record keeping. 
  • With this information I record a ‘learning notes’ diary entry via a blog post on a semi-private blog. See sample of such a learning notes entry below.
  • Lists of books read during the term are also kept.
  • Samples of the children’s work throughout the year is bound into a ‘keepsake’ book showing progress
  • This book also includes certificates of their annual Sports Carnival and other records of interest 
  • Photographs of activities, excursions and projects are taken. 
  • Blog posts on my public blog are also shared on occasion


Assessment is undertaken in numerous ways.

  • Daily, weekly I’m observing and noting progress and achievement and areas in which need further attention.
  • Term in Review blog posts include a more thorough assessment
  • Individual children’s Educational Programs involve a mixture of their plans, assessments and outcomes as this is a natural time of reflection, assessment and outcome checking when planning the step forth.


Proposed Time Allocation:

The majority of our more formal learning regularly happens in the morning, though the children are learning all day, from when they arise until they are asleep of a night.

Generally their independent seat work and our group work is undertaken in the morning, often they explore their independent learning areas of an afternoon, then they may do their assigned readings for history, science etc of an evening. Then again on another day this could all be mixed up.