
Saxon’s studies for 2023 will include:

12 units of Board Developed & Endorsed Courses, including English

To meet the requirements for Stage 6 the following subjects to be undertaken are:

  • 2 Unit English
  • 2 Unit Maths Standard
  • 2 Unit Studies of Religion 1
  • 2 Unit Economics
  • 2 Unit Engineering Studies
  • 2 Unit Studies Electrotechnology – VET course studied through TAFE



Saxon has good language arts skills; both oral & written and enjoys reading.

Saxon will continue to develop his knowledge, understanding and skills of communication through the written and spoken word, to develop his listening and reading skills, to reflect and think at a higher level, to value the power of language not only in expressing himself but in exploring the role of language with others and the impact of language socially, culturally and morally.

Saxon will explore the following through his studies:
● a range of types of texts inclusive of prose fiction, drama, poetry, nonfiction, film, media and digital texts.
● texts which are widely regarded as quality literature
● a range of Australian texts, including texts by First Nations Peoples to give insights into diverse experiences
● texts with a wide range of cultural, social and gender perspectives

● integrated modes of reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing and representing as appropriate.


Knowledge, Understanding and Skills

Through responding to and composing a wide range of texts and through the close study of texts, students will develop knowledge, understanding and skills in order to:

  • communicate through speaking, listening, reading, writing, viewing and representing
  • use language to shape and make meaning according to purpose, audience and context
  • think in ways that are imaginative, creative, interpretive and critical
  • express themselves and their relationships with others and their world
  • learn and reflect on their learning through their study of English.

Values and Attitudes

Students will value and appreciate:

  • the importance of the English language as a key to learning
  • the personal enrichment to be gained from a love of English, literature and learning
  • the power of language to explore and express views of themselves as well as the social, cultural, ethical, moral, spiritual and aesthetic dimensions of human experiences
  • the power of effective communication using the language modes of speaking, listening, reading, writing, viewing and representing
  • the role of language in developing positive interaction and cooperation with others
  • the diversity and aesthetics of language through literary and other texts
  • the independence gained from thinking imaginatively, creatively, interpretively and critically.


Grammar & Composition

Saxon’s English studies will include

  • Poetics & Progym I which reviews and expands on the fable and narrative exercises taught in Bards & Poets, and introduces the anecdote, and proverb exercises; Homer’s Odyssey
    is the primary literature selection.
  • Poetics & Progym II which begins with the Progym twin exercises confirmation and refutation, then teaches the common-place exercise, and finishes with triplet exercises encomium, invective, and comparison; Virgil’s Shakespeare’s Macbeth, and a few of Plutarch’s Lives are the primary literature selections.

Saxon will cover:

  • Poetry & Prose—literary analysis: reading and comprehending the elements of a story or poem, including genre, characters, setting, plot, sequence, rhetorical situation, literary context, poetic form & meter (scansion)
  • Language Logic—grammar and word usage: grammar lessons, vocabulary study, parsing the parts of speech, and sentence diagramming
  • Eloquent Expression—style development: building copia (abundant and ready supply) of words and construction, paraphrasing, figures of speech, figures of description
  • Classical Composition—imitation-based composition assignments guide students to develop proficiency in invention, arrangement, and style as they follow the writing sequence (plan, write, revise)
  • Commonplace Book—a time-honored practice for writers of all ages: collecting and copying worthy literary selections

Resources include: Poetics & Progym IPoetics & Progym II, Homer’s Odyssey, Virgil’s Shakespeare’s Macbeth, Plutarch’s Lives


Saxon will continue with weekly dictation lessons, which continues to strengthen his spelling, punctuation, listening and recall skills. His passages from Spelling Wisdom are selected from passages of well known classics such as Dickens and Bronte.

Resource: Spelling Wisdom


To have the ability to think and communicate both orally and in written form is an underpinning of our educational goals; the study of logic is an excellent basis for higher level thinking.

Saxon enjoys logic.

We have covered; what is a fallacy, what is good reasoning, benefits of listening, opposing viewpoints, red herring fallacies and recognising them, ad hominem attacks.

During 2023 we will cover genetic fallacies, tu quoque, faulty appeals, straw man, assumptions, circular reasoning, equivocations, loaded question, generalisations, analogies, post hoc ergo propter hoc, propaganda, appeals to tradition, hi-tech, snob, fear & pity, bandwagon, exigency and repetition.

Resource: The Thinking Toolbox – Nathaniel Bluedorn

Saxon has enjoyed a few of Shakespeare’s plays. He is to select and read one play of his choice, likely a comedy.
Resource: Complete Set of Shakespeare


Independent Literary Study

Saxon is often to be found with a book in hand, mostly contemporary literature though lately trying the classics.

In the upcoming year he is to read at least 2 classics he hasn’t yet read and to read at least two contemporary authors he hasn’t yet experienced.

We are then to discuss and analysis works read.

Resources: Our extensive library & town library

Read Aloud Literature

Nurturing a love of literature within our family is at the core of our family’s learning approach, we immerse our children in quality literature from birth.  We read from many genres and delight in living books – a book that makes the subject matter ‘come alive’.

Saxon still enjoys listening to our daily Read Alouds, it’s a really special time that we treasure, it’s a time of precious conversations.
Resources include: Our extensive home library and the town library.

The listening to and memorisation of poetry is part of our family’s culture of nurturing a love of literature.

Saxon will select two poets to study in depth, one Australian & his choice of either an English or American poet.

Saxon will continue to be immersed in poetry daily and memorise at least one poem a term, to recite  at our family weekly recitation nights.
Resources include: Banjo Patterson’s poetry, John O’Brien, John Donne and more from our extensive poetry collection.


Mathematics Standard 2

Saxon is a bright student and quite capable of achieving the maths syllabus. He understands the importance mathematics plays.

Saxon will learn the following through his studies:

  • enables students to develop their knowledge, understanding and skills in working mathematically and in communicating concisely and precisely
  • provides opportunities for students to consider various applications of mathematics in a broad range of contemporary contexts through the use of mathematical modelling and use these models to solve problems related to their present and future needs
  • provides opportunities for students to develop an understanding of and skills in further aspects of mathematics
  • provides an appropriate mathematical background for students entering the workforce or undertaking further tertiary training.



Knowledge, Understanding and Skills


  • develop the ability to apply reasoning, and the use of appropriate language, in the evaluation and construction of arguments and the interpretation and use of models based on mathematical concepts
  • develop the ability to use concepts and apply techniques to the solution of problems in algebra and modelling, measurement, financial mathematics, data and statistics, probability and networks
  • develop the ability to use mathematical skills and techniques, aided by appropriate technology, to organise information and interpret practical situations
  • develop the ability to interpret and communicate mathematics in a variety of written and verbal forms, including diagrams and graphs.

Values and Attitudes

Students value and appreciate:

  • mathematics as an essential and relevant part of life, recognising that its development and use have been largely in response to human needs by societies all around the globe
  • the importance of resilience in undertaking mathematical challenges, taking responsibility for their own learning and evaluating their mathematical development.


Saxon has covered; number & algebra, measurement & geometry, statistics & probability.

During 2023 Saxon’s studies will include:

Topic: Algebra

  • Formulae and Equations
  • Linear Relationships

Topic: Measurement

  • Applications of Measurement
  • Working with Time

Topic: Financial Mathematics

  • Money Matters

Topic: Statistical Analysis

  • Data Analysis
  • Relative Frequency and Probability

Resources include: Maths Online and supporting digital resources & our library resources.


Studies of Religion 1

Saxon has a deep interest in Religious Studies. Saxon will complete two Religious Tradition Studies; Christianity and Judaism, he will also briefly touch upon Islam one of the other major religious traditions.

Studies of Religion I students complete two Religious Tradition Studies of 22 indicative hours each.



Knowledge, understanding and skills

 Students will develop knowledge and understanding about:

  • the nature of religion and belief systems in local and global contexts
  • the influence and expression of religion and belief systems in Australia
  • religious traditions and their adherents

and skills relating to:

  • effective gathering, analysing and synthesising of information about religion
  • effective evaluation and application of findings from research about religion
  • communication of complex information, ideas and issues in appropriate forms to different audiences and in different contexts.

Values and attitudes

 Students will value and appreciate:

  • ethical and socially responsible behaviours which are brought about through empathy for, and acceptance of, religious diversity
  • fundamental rights of religious believers, rules and laws that promote fairness, justice and equality in society.


Saxon’s Christian studies will include:

      • The New Testament Law
      • Jesus’ Teachings
      • The Resurrection
      • Early Church Years & Evangelising
      • Sacraments
      • How to Read the Bible
      • Moral Theology
      • Moral Conscience
      • Ethical Norms & Law
      • Social Teachings
      • The Commandments
      • Spiritual Readings: Bible, Saints & Spiritual Formation

Judaism studies will include:

      • The Creation Story
      • Early History of the Jewish Peoples
      • The Patriarchs
      • The Exodus
      • The Jewish Law
      • The Rise & Fall of the Jewish Kingdom
      • The Jewish Remnant

Understanding Islam studies:

      • explain the tenets of the religion
      • a short history of the prophet and literature
      • the Six Pillars
      • Five Articles of Faith

By studies end we wish Saxon to have an understanding and critical awareness of the nature and significance of religion and the influence of belief systems and religious traditions on individuals and within society.

Resources: Engaging with Islam and WADIUnderstanding the Scriptures,

Our Moral Life in Christ, The Bible, Catechism of the Catholic Church, Beginning Apologetics



Saxon has developed quite an interest in Economics during 2022 through his Commerce studies and desires to continue furthering his knowledge.


Knowledge, understanding and skills

Students will develop:

knowledge and understanding about:

  • the economic behaviour of individuals, firms, institutions and governments
  • the function and operation of markets
  • the operation and management of economies
  • contemporary economic problems and issues facing individuals, firms and governments

skills to:

  • investigate and engage in effective analysis, synthesis and evaluation of economic information from a variety of sources
  • communicate economic information, ideas and issues in appropriate forms

Values and attitudes about:

  • informed participation in economic debate and decision-making
  • responsible approaches towards people, societies and environments.

By the end of Stage 6 Saxon will have the knowledge and skills to enable him to:

  • comprehend the background and implications of contemporary economic issues
  • discuss appropriate policies to solve economic problems and issues
  • understand what a change in interest rates, share values or the value of the Australian dollar means to individuals and the economy
  • identify fluctuations in the global and Australian economies and their likely effects on business
  • understand reasons for changes in employment patterns
  • identify, using economic thinking, appropriate strategies to protect the natural environment.


Engineering Studies

Saxon is keen to learn Engineering Studies in Stage 6, it is an area of interest and best fits the way his brain is wired.

The Engineering Studies Stage 6 Syllabus is directed towards the development and application of mathematical, scientific and technological skills and their integration with business and management. It provides students with skills, knowledge and understanding associated with a study of engineering, its practices and associated methodologies. The subject promotes environmental, economic and global awareness, problem-solving ability, engagement with information technology, self-directed learning, communication, management and skills in working as a team.



Knowledge, understanding and skills

  • understanding of the scope of engineering and the role of the engineer
    knowledge and understanding of engineering principles and an appreciation of the responsibilities of engineers in society
    communication skills appropriate to engineering practices
    knowledge and understanding of developments in technology and an appreciation of their influence on people and engineering practice
    management and problem-solving skills in engineering contexts
    skills in the application of engineering methodology.

Students will cover engineering application modules and engineering focus modules.

Engineering application modules develops knowledge and understanding of engineering concepts and impacts through the study of engineered products.

Engineering focus modules develops knowledge and appreciation of the role of engineers by studying the nature of the engineering profession and emphasising the scope of engineering activities in a given field.

  • Engineering application: Engineering fundamentals
  • Engineering application: Engineered products
  • Engineering application: Braking systems
  • Engineering focus: Biomedical engineering


Electrotechnology – VET course studied through TAFE

Saxon has developed quite an interest in Electronics as he has occasionally accompanied his brother who is an Electrician on jobs. He is now considering this as a career direction. He is keen during Stage 6 to undertake Electrotechnology.

The electrotechnology industry includes the design, maintenance, installation and repair for all electrical and electronic equipment. The technology stretches across many sectors, including mining, manufacturing, communications, construction, renewables, domestic, commercial and industrial refrigeration and air-conditioning. The electrical services industry (a subsector within electrotechnology) involves electrical wiring or fittings in buildings and other construction projects, and repair and maintenance of existing electrical equipment and fixtures. The industry is transitioning towards decarbonisation and there is a growing interest in renewable technologies and solar installations. Rail infrastructure projects have created further opportunities for the electrotechnology sector, with electricians playing an important role in rail signaling. Computer and communication systems form an integral part of smart and automated systems and platforms used in all industries. The industry is looking at a 7% employment growth by 2026.

Outcomes and Content

Electrotechnology units of competency

Associated mandatory units of competency and focus areas for the 240-hour course

Unit codeUnit titleHSC indicative hoursWeighting points
UEECD0019Fabricate, assemble and dismantle utilities industry components

Prerequisite:   UEECD0007

UEECD0020Fix and secure electrotechnology equipment*

Prerequisite:   UEECD0007



Drawings, diagrams and compliance

Unit codeUnit titleHSC indicative hoursWeighting points
UEECD0051Use drawings, diagrams, schedules, standards, codes and specifications

Prerequisite:   UEECD0007




Unit codeUnit titleHSC indicative hoursWeighting points
UEECD0007Apply work health and safety regulations, codes and practices in the workplace1520


Single path circuits

Unit codeUnit titleHSC indicative hoursWeighting points
UEECD0046Solve problems in single path circuits

Prerequisite:   UEECD0007




Unit codeUnit titleHSC indicative hoursWeighting points




Apply environmentally and sustainable procedures in the energy sector

Prerequisite:   UEECD0007


Provide basic sustainable energy solutions for energy reduction in residential premises

Prerequisite:   UEECD0007










Working in the industry

Unit codeUnit titleHSC indicative hoursWeighting points
UEECD0009Carry out routine work activities in an energy sector environment

Prerequisite:   UEECD0007