Individualised Educational Program and Assessment for Ignatius – Secondary
Ignatius is a deep thinker who seeks knowledge and understanding. He has an inquisitive mind, and is constantly researching new concepts, pondering, and then articulately sharing his findings and thoughts. He is highly intelligent and fascinating.
- uses a range of personal, creative and critical strategies to interpret complex texts
- analyses how meaning is created through the use and interpretation of increasingly complex language forms, features and structures
- evaluates how texts represent ideas and experiences, and how they can affirm or challenge values and attitudes
- investigates and explains ways of valuing texts and the relationships between them
- crafts personal, creative and critical texts for a range of audiences by experimenting with and controlling language forms and features to shape meaning
- uses processes of planning, monitoring, revising and reflecting to purposefully develop and refine composition of texts
Reading, viewing and listening to texts
Ignatius can often be found reading. This year Ignatius will be reading his way through a list of classic, history & biography titles. We will be encouraging and nurturing a love of reading by immersing him in quality literature. Nurturing a love of literature within our family is at the core of our family’s learning approach. Listening to and memorising poetry is also part of our family’s culture, we will continue to include exposure to poetry regularly.
We host a Book Club within our homeschool group which our children love. The children facilitate the group, the book selections, the questions, and the structure. Ignatius will participate again this year.
Ignatius still enjoys listening to our daily Read Alouds, I read to all the children as a group, as well as choosing books that are for ‘teen time’ only. This is a special time to treasure, a time of precious conversations. We will encourage literature discussions inspired by Socratic Discussion suggestions. Our ‘Morning Basket’ will continue to include selections from Greek Mythology, Shakespeare, Poetry, and Short Stories from rich Literature.
Resources include: Our extensive home library and the town library. Complete Works of William Shakespeare, Tales From Shakespeare – Charles and Mary Lamb (and audio version)
Understanding and responding to texts
Ignatius has a good understanding of many parts of grammar; last year we focused on correct tenses, nouns, verbs and adjectives, homonyms, synonyms & antonyms, onomatopoeia’s, homophones, abbreviations, contractions and developing stronger vocabulary skills.
In the upcoming period we will also be covering literary analysis, characters, setting, plot, conflict resolution, development of writing style, paraphrasing, writing sequence, parsing, building a copia of words, figures of speech & description, poetry rhyme & metre, outlining, summarising and chronology, key word outlines, note taking, oral reports, writing from outlines, three paragraph report and research reports.
Resources include: Cottage Press: Language Lessons for Grammar Students, English for Australian Schools – Ronald Ridout Bk 5, Grammar Made Easy – Barbara Dykes, Precis Writing, Character Based Writing Lessons
Expressing ideas and composing texts
We have been hosting a weekly Writing Club with homeschool friends since 2019 and we will continue to do so. The synergy and enthusiasm of the others has played an enormous part in Ignatius’s development as a writer. To have a supportive audience and a purpose, a set time set aside weekly, to be part of facilitating. All these and more are part of the magic of Writing Club’s success.
Our intent is to continue to support Ignatius in becoming a stronger writer across a variety of writing styles. To assist him in developing story plot, characterisation and conflict resolution and more.
Narrations form a basis of much of our written work, the retelling of what has been read/watched/learnt into one’s own words. This requires a good understanding of the subject matter, it takes concentration and sequencing skills. Narrations can take various forms; oral, written, illustrations, acting, building or creating. We consider narrations to be an extremely important skill, a foundation for logic and writing, we devote time to narrations regularly for the subjects of; Faith, Geography, History and Science.
Ignatius’ narration skills are solid, his comprehension is excellent, he can remember the finer details, can deliver sequence well, can gather the main points. We will continue to focus on building on Ignatius’ written narration strengths, increasing the quantity and length.
Ignatius will continue to undertake weekly dictation lessons, skills to strengthen his spelling, punctuation, listening and recall skills.
Resource: Spelling Wisdom, Writing Prompt Cards, English for Australian Schools – Ridout, Writer’s Jungle, Institute for Excellence in English, Voyages in English
- develops understanding and fluency in mathematics through exploring and connecting mathematical concepts, choosing and applying mathematical techniques to solve problems, and communicating their thinking and reasoning coherently and clearly
- solves financial problems involving simple interest, earning money and spending money
- solves financial problems involving compound interest and depreciation
- simplifies algebraic fractions with numerical denominators and expands algebraic expressions
- simplifies algebraic expressions involving positive-integer and zero indices, and establishes the meaning of negative indices for numerical bases
- solves linear equations of up to 3 steps, limited to one algebraic fraction
- determines the midpoint, gradient and length of an interval, and graphs linear relationships, with and without digital tools
- graphs and interprets linear relationships using the gradient/slope-intercept form
- identifies connections between algebraic and graphical representations of quadratic and exponential relationships in various contexts
- identifies and compares features of parabolas and exponential curves in various contexts
- solves measurement problems by using scientific notation to represent numbers and rounding to a given number of significant figures
- applies trigonometric ratios to solve right-angled triangle problems
- applies trigonometry to solve problems, including bearings and angles of elevation and depression
- solves problems involving the surface area of right prisms and practical problems involving the area of composite shapes and solids
- solves problems involving the volume of composite solids consisting of right prisms and cylinders
- identifies and applies the properties of similar figures and scale drawings to solve problems
- compares and analyses datasets using summary statistics and graphical representations
- displays and interprets datasets involving bivariate data
- solves problems involving probabilities in multistage chance experiments and simulations
- identifies and solves problems involving direct and inverse variation and their graphical representations
- analyses and constructs graphs relating to rates of change
- applies Pythagoras’ theorem and trigonometry to solve 3-dimensional problems and applies the sine, cosine and area rules to solve 2-dimensional problems, including bearings
- applies knowledge of the surface area of right pyramids and cones, spheres and composite solids to solve problems
- applies knowledge of the volume of right pyramids, cones and spheres to solve problems involving related composite solids
- solves problems involving the characteristics of graphs/networks, planar graphs and Eulerian trails and circuits
Ignatius is strong at Mathematics, he picks up new concepts quickly and generally finds maths easy.
Last year Ignatius covered; fractions & percentages, problem solving, algebraic techniques, trigonometry, decimals, integers, equations, ratio, properties of geometrical figures, constructions, surface area & volume. measurement, statistics & data and probability, polygons.
Next period Ignatius will cover: pythagoras theorem, financial mathematics, surds, factorisations, equations & inequations, linear functions, quadratic equations, trigonometry, statistics and probability, volume, area, powers, algebraic fractions and quadratic equations.
Resources include: Maths Online, Kahn Academy, maths board games and our living maths books collection.
Stage Statement
Students use scientific inquiry by actively engaging in using and applying the processes of Working Scientifically to increase their understanding of and about the world around them. By engaging in scientific inquiry, students develop their understanding of science ideas and concepts, how scientific knowledge is refined over time and the significance of scientific evidence in evaluating claims, explanations and predictions. Students formulate questions or hypotheses to be investigated scientifically. They apply scientific understanding and critical thinking skills to suggest possible solutions to identified problems. Individually and collaboratively they plan and undertake a range of types of first- hand investigations to accurately collect data using appropriate units, assessing risk and considering ethical issues associated with the method. They design and conduct controlled experiments to collect valid and reliable first-hand data. Students process, analyse and evaluate data and information from first-hand investigations to draw conclusions consistent with the evidence, identifying sources of uncertainty and possible alternative explanations for findings. They assess the validity and reliability of claims made in secondary sources. They evaluate the methods and strategies they and others use and ways in which the quality of data could be improved, including the appropriate use of digital technologies. They communicate science ideas for specific purposes and construct evidence-based arguments using appropriate scientific language, conventions and representations. Students apply models, theories and laws to explain phenomena and situations involving energy, force and motion. They explain the concept of energy conservation, by describing energy transfers and transformations within systems. Students describe changing ideas about the structure of the Earth, origins of the universe and the diversity of life on the Earth to illustrate how models, theories and laws are refined over time by the scientific community as new evidence becomes available. They describe situations where advances in scientific understanding may depend on developments in technology, and that technological advances are frequently linked to scientific discoveries. Students explain how scientific understanding has contributed to knowledge about global patterns of geological activity and interactions between global systems. They analyse interactions between components and processes within biological systems and their responses to external changes. They use scientific evidence to assess whether claims, explanations and predictions are supported and can be used to evaluate predictions and inform decisions related to contemporary issues. Students explain the organisation of the periodic table, chemical reactions and natural radioactivity in terms of atoms. They describe how different factors influence the rate of chemical reactions and the importance of a range of types of chemical reactions in the production of substances. Students describe how the values and needs of contemporary society can influence the focus of scientific research and technological development in a variety of areas, including efficiency of use of electricity and non-renewable energy sources, the development of new materials, biotechnology, and plant, animal and human health. They outline examples of where the applications of the advances of science, emerging sciences and technologies significantly affect people’s lives, including generating new career opportunities.
We desire to encourage Ignatius’ critical thinking skills, knowledge and understanding in explaining and making sense of the physical, living and chemical worlds, and earth and space. To encourage him to foster a questing mind and to understand the importance of scientific evidence in enabling him as an individual and as part of the community to make informed, responsible decisions about the use and influence of science. We have been owner building since Ignatius was a baby and he has grown up observing, learning and building.
Ignatius and his siblings have a particular fascination with ‘all things science’. All three are constantly seeking out scientific knowledge on their own volition. It is quite common to find them watching a science youtube and then see them filming their experiment, or the reverse order to ascertain why their experiment might have ‘failed’. To mention just one area of scientific interest and endeavour of theirs. They read books, watch youtubes, documentaries and science videos, enjoy a variety of science experiments, make K’nex models and Kapla designs, to name a few endeavours
Last year Ignatius’ studies included: Physics & Biology, Properties of Matter and Wolves.
This period his studies will include; Earth & Space, energy, force & motion, Chemistry & Matter.
We will also remain flexible to follow any further interests that arise. To meet these studies we will use various mediums and resources, and we’re confident that other areas of scientific and technological interest and knowledge will be sought and pursued.
Resources include: Singapore Science textbooks, Design curriculum, John Hudson Tiner collection, Science Encyclopedias, our extensive home and town libraries, DVDs and youtubes, Experiment kits, Snap Circuit Kits, K’nex, Lego, Kapla Blocks, Scratch Coding, the Drone & Robotic kits; Edison, Boson and the Robobloq Qooper.
Human Society and its Environment (HSIE) – History
Stage Statement
Students describe, explain and assess the historical forces and factors that shaped the modern world and Australia. They sequence and explain the significant patterns of continuity and change in the development of the modern world and Australia. They explain and analyse the motives and actions of past individuals and groups in the historical contexts that shaped the modern world and Australia. Students explain and analyse the causes and effects of events and developments in the modern world and Australia. Students explain the context for people’s actions in the past. They explain the significance of events and developments from a range of perspectives. They explain different interpretations of the past and recognise the evidence used to support these interpretations. Students sequence events and developments within a chronological framework, and identify relationships between events across different periods of time and places. When researching, students develop, evaluate and modify questions to frame an historical inquiry. They process, analyse and synthesise information from a range of primary and secondary sources and use it as evidence to answer inquiry questions. Students analyse sources to identify motivations, values and attitudes. When evaluating these sources, they analyse and draw conclusions about their usefulness, taking into account their origin, purpose and context. They develop and justify their own interpretations about the past. Students develop texts, particularly explanations and discussions, incorporating historical arguments. In developing these texts and organising and presenting their arguments, students use historical terms and concepts, evidence identified in sources and they reference these sources. Students will have undertaken a relevant site study either by visiting an actual site or through a virtual source.
We wish for Ignatius to have an interest about ‘all things history’ and want him to have an awareness of the Modern World and Australian history. To be able to explain the context for people’s actions in the past explain the significant patterns of continuity and change in the development of the modern world and Australia.
Last period we focused on World History from the Early Modern Times through to the Modern Age. Covering areas such as; warlords of Japan, Moghul emperors of India, Cromwell in England, Peter the Great, Bonaparte, Victorian England, British Invasions, American Civil War, Boxer Rebellion, First and Second World Wars, Crumbling of Communism.
This period we will refresh our previous Australian History studies, and study indepth the Bushrangers, Gold Rush and the Federation. We will also continue to study what was happening to our First Peoples concurrently. We will also connect in our family history with the nation’s history. Ignatius’s ancestors on both sides arrived on the First Fleet, on the same ship. We have a long and rich connection with the developing nation and we want Ignatius to have an awareness of and passion for our nation’s history. Our World History studies will begin again after we finish our Australian focus, moving chronologically forward to cover: the Korean & Vietnam Wars, the 1960s, refugees and modern Australia.
Resources Include: Wattle Gum Education , History of Australia – Meredith Hooper, A Short History of the World – Geoffrey Blainey and our extensive collection of historical living books and the town library.
Human Society and its Environment (HSIE) – Commerce
Stage Statement
Students demonstrate knowledge and understanding of consumer, financial, economic, business, legal, political and employment matters. They analyse the rights and responsibilities of individuals in a range of contexts, and the role of law in society. Students develop skills in decision-making and problem-solving, related to a range of issues, and apply skills to construct plans designed to achieve a range of goals. Students assess consumer, financial, economic, business, legal, political and employment information using research and communication skills. Through the investigation of contemporary issues, students work independently and collaboratively to meet individual and collective goals. They develop knowledge of civics and skills for citizenship, and recognise the importance of being an informed, responsible and active citizen. Students appreciate the importance of ethical and socially responsible behaviour, and fundamental rights, rules and laws that promote fairness, justice and equity in society.
Last year Ignatius undertook a course on Financial Literacy, read the Barefoot Investor, Whatever Happened to Penny Candy and several similar books.. He discovered a fascination for Financial Literacy, discussing investment shares and his intention to own his first property with Sebastian once Sebastian turns 18.
This period Ignatius is to further his understanding of consumer, financial, economic, legal, political and business issues, to have the skills to make informed and responsible decisions as an individual and as a member of the broader community. To be aware of fundamental rights and laws in our society and to know and practice ethical behaviour.
Resources Include: Money Smart, Kahn Academy, MOOCS (Massive Open Online Course) My First Book on Commerce, our home library and the town library, His Dad- a CPA & Financial Accountant
Creative Arts: Photographic & Digital Media
Stage Statement
Students have developed an understanding of practice, the conceptual framework and the frames as they relate to the making and critical and historical interpretations of the field of photographic and digital media. Students have experienced increasing autonomy and refinement in the selection and application of photographic and digital media conventions and procedures in their practice/making. They may seek to try different techniques and procedures, informed by an understanding of the materials, techniques and conventions of photographic and digital forms. Students have investigated the building/organisation of a portfolio of work as a way of representing and resolving ideas and interests over time. They have learnt to reflect on the meaning and significance of their own practice and to identify how photographic and digital works, roles and intentions can be understood in their work and the work of artists as photographers, videographers, filmmakers, computer/digital artists and performance artists. They have explored the agencies of the conceptual framework and understand the relationships between artist, artwork, world and audience and how this can contribute to the development of meaning in photographic and digital media in different times and places. They have learnt to apply the structural, postmodern, cultural and subjective frames to explore ideas and develop meanings in their photographic and digital works. In critical and historical interpretations students are able to explore, interpret and evaluate photographic and digital works using the frames to
investigate different points of view. They have an understanding of the function of and relationships between the artist, artwork, world and audience and can infer how social and cultural ideas create meaning and significance in photographic and digital works in different times and places.
Course description
Photographic and Digital Media provides opportunities for students to enjoy making and studying a range of photographic and digital media works. It enables students to represent their ideas and interests about the world, to engage in contemporary forms of communication and understand and write about their contemporary world. Photographic and Digital Media enables students to investigate new technologies, cultural identity and the evolution of photography and digital media into the 21st century. Students are provided with opportunities to make and study photographic and digital media works in greater depth and breadth than through the Visual Arts elective course.
What students learn
Students learn about the pleasure and enjoyment of making different kinds of photographic and digital media works in still, interactive and moving forms. They learn to represent their ideas and interests with reference to contemporary trends and how photographers, videographers, film-makers, computer/digital and performance artists make photographic and digital media works.
Students learn about how photographic and digital media is shaped by different beliefs, values and meanings by exploring photographic and digital media artists and works from different times and places, and relationships in the artworld between the artist – artwork – world – audience. They also explore how their own lives and experiences can influence their making and critical and historical studies.
Students learn to make photographic and digital media works using a range of materials and techniques in still, interactive and moving forms, including ICT, to build a Photographic and Digital Media portfolio over time. They learn to develop their research skills, approaches to experimentation and how to make informed personal choices and judgements. They learn to record procedures and activities about their making practice in their Photographic and Digital Media journal. Students learn to investigate and respond to a wide range of photographic and digital media artists and works in making, critical and historical studies.
Students learn to interpret and explain the function of and relationships in the artworld between the artist – artwork – world – audience to make and study photographic and digital media artworks.
Ignatius will be developing skills in photographic and digital media including: photography, computer/digital media works and video production. Ignatius particularly has an interest in videography. Ignatius will create a Videography Portfolio as well as producing a portfolio that will include photographic and Digital Art works. His portfolio is to demonstrate and communicate his interest of the world about him.
Resources include: camera, video, editing software, digital art software, Kahn Academy, MOOCS (Massive Open Online Course)
Languages: Italian
- exchanges information, ideas and perspectives in a range of contexts by manipulating culturally appropriate language
- analyses and responds to information, ideas and perspectives in a range of texts to demonstrate understanding
- creates a range of texts for diverse communicative purposes by manipulating culturally appropriate language
Ignatius is eager to learn Italian. Ignatius will focus on interacting primarily through oral language. Including focusing on; pronunciation and intonation patterns, pitch, accent and rhythm.
Understanding texts
Ignatius will learn to read, understand and respond to Italian. He will apply his growing knowledge of Italian’s language system to understand its grammatical structures and sentence patterns.
Creating Texts
Ignatius will use a range of structures and features of Italian’s writing system to create written texts.
Resources include: Duolingo , Conjuguemos, Freedom Homeschool Foreign Languages
Mum – Two years of highschool Italian