Read Aloud – Mum Read The Magic Faraway Tree
Picture Books- The Great RAbbit and the Long-Tailed Wildcat
Spelling- Main Lesson Spelling- Daily Malachi really enjoyed this new approach.
Writing Assignment
Write a ‘report’ on the wedding and camp
Math Busters – 7 pgs SM
Loving God
Choose a Saint of the Week and read a bk, Report at tea
Light in the Darkness
Editing Adventure -Edit misspellings and grammatical
errors on sheet. Re-write paragraph with correct spelling and
grammar. You will be marked.
Read Alouds-History
Mum read Brigid’s Cloak
Make a cloak- notebk page
We’re Riding on a Caravan
The Sword in the Tree
Math Busters – 10 pages Sing. Maths
Exploring the World of Science
Research an area of interest and report
Loving God
Choose a Saint of the Week and read a bk, Report at tea
Copywork- Three Stanzas
Spelling- Main Lesson Spelling- Daily
Writing Assignment
Write a ‘report’ on the wedding and camp
Light in the Darkness
Literature-Read ‘the Sword in the Tree
Editing Adventure -Edit misspellings and grammatical
errors on sheet. Re-write paragraph with correct spelling and
grammar. If under 80% you will have to re-do.
Read Alouds
Listen to ”Mohammed’ FMMA
Listen to Builders and Destroyers
Read Aloud- Augustine Came to Kent
Math Busters – 7 pages Sing. Maths
Exploring the World of Chemistry
Read one chapter and answer questions.
Loving God
Choose a Saint of the Week and read a bk, Report at tea. St Benedict
Copywork- Two Stanzas
Spelling- Main Lesson Spelling- Daily
Writing Assignment
Write a blog entry or ‘report’ on the wedding and camp
Light in the Darkness
Literature-Read Pool of Fire
Editing Adventure -Edit misspellings and grammatical
errors on sheet. Re-write paragraph with correct spelling and
grammar. If under 80% you will have to re-do.
Read Alouds
Listen to ”Mohammed’ FMMA
Listen to Builders and Destroyers
Read Aloud- Augustine Came to Kent
Science Exploring Physics- 1 Chps per wk.
Spelling Main Lesson Spelling- Daily
English English for Aust Schools 1/2 Chp/wk
Light in the Darkness-
Reading Assign.
Famous Men of the Middle Ages- Mohamed
Writing Assign.
Write a blog entry or ‘report’ on the wedding and camp
Editing Adventure-Sheet, Correct misspellings and grammatical errors