
Maths-5 pgs per week of Singapore Maths. New book arrived, it is a big challenge.

Science– Narration dictated on Aroora the Kangaroo

Language Arts
Dictation- 5 Sentences per week. Sly Fox and Red Hen. M is very good at dictation.

Spelling – Schonell
12 words, Test. M is an excellent speller.

7 pages of phonics book

Copywork- 6 lines

Literature- Cherry Time at Bullerby, Read 1 chapter

Faith- Sacramental Preparation.

First Communion Catechism Lesson 11
CHC Pgs 155-161,


1. On Timeline write ‘Pope St Clement 1 martyred’. In 99AD

2.Make a Roman Mosaic, pg 276 S/H Project Bk M made a butterfly design.


Maths- 1.5 pgs per week of Singapore Maths.
Narration of Aroora the Kangaroo
Language Arts
Read Aloud- Audio Cd ‘The Magician’s Nephew’ and ‘The Lion,The Witch and the Wardrobe’.

Latin Responses- Daily Use Mass Card & Confiteor

Copywork- 6 lines.

1. Read Chpts 5 & 6 The First Christians – Marigold Hunt

2. Read Chpts 12, 13 A Book of Angels -Marigold Hunt

3.Made a Roman aqueduct. I was VERY impressed. M designed and built all on his own. He even thought of the idea himself. Will include photos later.


Typing- Typing Tutor
50min+ per week.

Language Arts

Read Aloud – Audio Cd ‘The Magician’s Nephew’ and ‘The Lion,The Witch and the Wardrobe’.

Latin Responses – Use Mass card & Confiteor Daily

Dictation and Spelling-1 paragraph from Schonell’s dictation. re-write misspelt words, then tested. X is struggling but persevering.

Copywork- The Laurel and the Harp
3 stanzas per week.

Literature-Eulalia by Brian Jacques

Come to the Mass by Sr Monica
2. We have a Perfect Gift

1. On timeline record Nero becoming emperor 54AD
2.Read Chapters 7-12 The First Christians-Marigold Hunt

3. Read ‘City’ by David Macaulay

4. Read ‘Thieves of Ostia’


Maths-1 hrs per week –
Print out sheets.

Science- Exploring the world of Chemistry
Read two chapters and answer questions.

Typing- Typing Tutor
50min+ per week.

Language Arts

Read Aloud- Audio Cd ‘The Magician’s Nephew’ and ‘The Lion,The Witch and the Wardrobe’.

Dictation and Spelling – 1 Paragraph per week. LLAL , re-wrote misspelt words and tested.

Latin Responses– Mass Card and Confiteor. Daily

3 stanzas per week.

Literature- Finished 20,000 Leagues under the Sea by Jules Verne.


1.Make a Roman Temple, pg 449 S/H Project Bk
D REALLY loved this and spent a whole day enthusiastically creating. I was so pleased to see a spark of enthusiasm. He then decided to build a Colosseum which he started but never finished.


Maths-1 ½ hrs per week use

Geography- Croatia
Use the internet for information, Present the information
Project/notebook style

1. How many people live in this country?
2. Is the population mainly rural or an urban one?
3. What is the literacy rate?

4. Roughly- what is the annual wage of workers in this country?
5. How does the standard of living compare with that of Australia?
Is it a fairly affluent country or are many people living there in real poverty?

Science- Exploring the world of Chemistry
Read two chapters and answer questions.

Typing- Typing Tutor
50min+ per week.

Language Arts

Dictation- 3 Paragraphs per week.

Spelling – Wordly Wise
2 Word Lists per week., Tests

English for Australian Schools
Half a chapter chapter per week.