I borrowed several very good titles from the library and thought it a good idea to note them down for next year.

The Gift of the Magi-O Henry
Song of the Camel-Elizabeth Coatsworth
Room for a Little One-Martin Waddell
The Christmas Mystery-Jostein Gaarder
The Donkey’s Christmas Song
The Road to Bethlehem-Brian Wildsmith
Father and Son-Geraldine McCaughrean
Bright Star Shining, Poems for Christmas
The Christmas Angel-Pirkko Vainio
The Christmas Letters-JR Tolkien
Three KIngs- Kurt Baumann
The Christmas Bird-Bernadette Watts
How the Hibernator came to Bethlehem-Norma Faber
Young Mary of Nazereth-Marianna Mayer
Christmas-Jan Pienkowski
Bethlehem-Fiona French
The Animals Christmas Carol-Helen Ward
Christmas Trolls- Jan Brett
Projects for Christmas
The Little Christmas Tree-Karl Ruhmann